CATEGORY: | Career Development |
Picture this, you just got a promotion and you are so proud of yourself because you have finally gotten what you’ve been working so hard for. But your co-workers don’t seem to be so proud of you, that they may be even talking about how you have favoritism or unfair advantage. Or maybe you’ve been in a situation where you were really happy about personal achievement, but you find that people around you are belittling it. Or you’re working at a motivation to make a positive outcome or change in your life only to have your “friends” dismiss it as being unimportant. Well, it’s nice to think that people around us, all they want is to help us succeed, but there will be times that you will encounter a phenomenon that people call “crabs in a bucket mentality.” So, the “crab mentality” goes like: If you put one crab in a bucket, it can claw its way up and out and return to the wild. But something interesting happens if you put a bunch of crabs in the same bucket together. So, if one of them tries to climb out, the rest will pull it back into the bucket. And if the crab tries to climb out a second time, they will actually gang up on that crab and start picking it apart so that it can’t proceed. So, this means that none of the crabs can and will ever escape the bucket because they are all working against each other. So, the phrase that best describes this is “If I can’t have it, neither can you.” Well, in real life, we are not actually physically trying to break each other down as crabs do, but we as humans, try to break each other’s spirits down when we see someone else is on their way to success. So, whether we are aware of it or not, our method of thinking, our behaviors, our decision-making processes are greatly influenced by the people we spend the most time with. This means that if you’re always around people who make poor life decisions in the things that you’re trying to improve. You are at risk of being pulled down by them. But, if you are able to build a different type of network when that emphasizes self-improvement, then there you will be more likely to achieve the success that you are seeking. In our lives, we will encounter many types of people as we grow older. Some of them will greatly affect how we look at the world. So as to what the motivational speaker, Jim Rohn once said: “You are the average of the five people that you spend your most time with.” And by that, it is vital that in order for us to overcome the “crab mentality” we must surround ourselves with positivity and with people that want nothing but the success of everyone. That goes to show how and why it is important to surround yourself with the right people if you truly want to live a positive life and grow as a person.
CATEGORY: | Work Life Balance |
Productivity is one's capability of doing things and tasks quite efficiently. In other words, it is the capacity of a man to get things done, finished, and accomplished productively. It is more than simply checking off a to-do list. It is a unique ability to get things done smarter, faster, and cheaper. It is a known fact of being a game-changer for the people that are working. The ability to be productive is necessary for all of us. Every job, task, and responsibility requires a productive mindset to achieve a positive outcome. Relying on willpower and self-control will only get you so far. Both of these attributes are quickly depleted; in which case, the ability to remain productive quickly dissolves, as with any skill, knowledge without practice is worthless. Mono-Task How do you eat pizza? Well, you eat a pizza slice-by-slice, piece-by-piece. You don’t devour the whole damn food. One of the most useful ways of improving one’s productivity is the ability to understand concentration. Concentrating only on one thing is one of the most efficient ways of improving productivity. The ability to multi-task was a life ever myth. Even research studies show that the human brain is not physiologically capable of processing multiple tasks at a time, most especially with complex tasks. Focusing on one task at a time is a better way of ensuring each task is done well. Focus on the moment (mindfulness) Practice mindfulness to continue to improve productivity. Awareness of your thoughts might seem like a negative when practicing productivity, but in reality, focusing your attention on the present moment will evidently help with concentration, reducing stress, and improving decision making and focus. The benefits of practicing mindfulness will come naturally as you incorporate it into your work processes. Get some sleep It is essential for a brain to stay healthy, and sleeping is one of the many ways of doing so. Despite what other people say, everyone performs much better with a good amount of sleep each night. Sleep is not just for resting, but it’s also the time for the brain to repair itself; as it improves one’s mood and the ability to focus. Also, short periods of sleep show benefits in improving alertness and productivity, according to some UCLA professors. Experts say that a 20-minute nap is the “perfect” maximum time of a power nap for providing alertness and energy. Adding that this time window limits the brain to lighter stages of non-rapid eye movement sleep, which then makes it easier for someone to not get lazy and be back into work mode much less difficult and an extra bit of alertness. Read more For most people nowadays, reading a book is boring. They want their information fast and concise. And it feels like they neglect the benefits of reading itself and just proceed with an easier and unproductive way. Well, it turns out that most of us are missing some productive boosting benefits that reading actually gives. In fact, there’s evidence that reading can help relieve stress, develop deeper focus, and enhance creativity—all of which can help to be more productive. Stress kills productivity (manage stress) Whoever says that people work at their best under pressure and stress is an absolute BS. It is more likely or not that they just procrastinated or are merely ignorant of the issue ahead. The work that was done under pressure is not your best. You only think that you did well is because of the stress hormones kicking in. Stress opportunities and occurrence will always be there. It will always be abundant. And so, rather than avoiding them, I say embrace them. And then only that is when Stress will not stress you out.
CATEGORY: | Work Life Balance |
To start things off, we know that every right-minded person prioritizes their needs over what they actually want, and it is critical for those who practice the right responsibility, budgeting, and planning. However, even though it is fair to put the "needs" at the top of your list, the "wants" should not be ignored. For in our life, it is also a "need" to satisfy our "wants" every once in a while, as we can also enjoy the fruits of our own labor. You can’t just work, work, work, and work even more, and besides working hard and no play is boring or will eventually get boring. When all you have in life is work and no play, well, there will come a time that you will feel this enormous hole that whispers, telling you that something is off. And eventually, your soul will crave for plays and you will sabotage the hard work that you yourself had been protecting and carefully preserving for quite a long time now. Also, if you go with your life living inside the world of your works, without taking a break or rewarding yourself, you may and will suffer burnout. Resulting in you quickly losing motivation and will let you feel out of balance. Plus, it is actually scientifically proven that treating oneself helps the brain to release a chemical coined “dopamine”, which makes a person feel ecstatic, good, and happy. And as a result, it will head start a momentum of motivation and drive to do tasks even more creatively and efficiently, as doing these tasks now makes you feel somehow good about yourself. As what other people would always say "always love yourself first", and yeah, in a sense they are right. For we only have oneself in this world and it is a MUST to be there for yourself because no one else will ever be. So go for that spa massage, take that 20 minutes to watch Netflix or any show that you want to watch, sit back and play your favorite game, buy those shoes, buy that dress you have been lusting after, eat junk foods, and just enjoy life while you are young and you can. Do it for yourself. You’ve earned it! And don’t even think twice! But at the same time, be wise when you reward yourself. While it is important to do such an act of recognizing one's effort or achievement, not all rewards are the right rewards; hence you must go for the right and just treats to further create a positive reinforcement upon your well-being. Because in reality, more often or not, we always forget that we are much more capable than we give ourselves credit for. We are all working hard day by day, week by week, month by month and we have to be responsible for our emotional and spiritual selves as well as our finances. Getting enough rest added by activities of relaxation is among the number of many ways to feedback into your well-being. Because holding in that stress will take a toll on your mental, emotional and physical health in such time, and it is also your job and it is also your responsibility to reward yourself with a job well done. And of course, lastly, it is your job to reward yourself with the respect you deserve. And while most of us focus on appreciating others or getting appreciation from others, we often neglect and remember to appreciate our own selves. So it is right and just to reward ourselves as often as we can, as it will leverage our performance in work, our mood and attitude on dealing with things and build new good habits that will further help us reach the goals we desire to achieve. And I think that is why it is quite important for us to celebrate the job well done that all of us have put in.
CATEGORY: | Career Development |
One of the few things that Millennials are afraid of is that of the feeling of being left behind, they feel like they had to know what they were supposed to do with their lives, and if they don’t, they’d fall behind and never catch up. And of course, people in their 20’s have high hopes for themselves on fulfilling their dream careers, that they all want to feel like they’re doing better than everybody else around them. They want to be in-pace with everyone at their age, and as they cross the 20-something-year-old threshold, they are most probably be feeling the twenty-something blues; the feeling of being scared, little, and confused. And let me tell you something, it is perfectly FINE! You are young, you are free, and you can pretty much do anything that your mind is set up for. Being in your 20’s is fun, super exciting but also pressuring. So, as a newbie, even if you’re not sure of what you want to do yet, even if you feel underqualified, or don’t think to have the “enough” and “right” experience, and even if you feel little in a big world full of professionals, it’s okay. All you need to do is to have the fit and right mindset to start your journey. 1. It’s fine to not know what to do yet. You don’t know what to do? It’s fine, use it as an advantage. What most people don’t recognize is that it’s fine to not know what to do yet. Most of them assume that not knowing where you’re heading and what to do in life is a huge negative. But to be honest, being absolutely certain about things that you want to actually do is a disadvantage itself. If you do not know what you want to do yet, you have one of the greatest advantages of all – you get to be curious. You get to discover things that other people might not know, as you also get to be a little kid again and explore. 2. Be humble and take what you can get In today’s world, admit it or not most Millennials are entitled. They demand something so great, especially for jobs that they expect and want. And at their very young age with no experience at all, it is quite hard for someone to land a “good job” or your dream job, for that matter, right after graduating college. Be humble and work your hardest, and eventually you’ll find a job that will keep you afloat – and at a young age, that is more than okay. Take what you can get; you never know what lies ahead. You never know what opportunities await, and you certainly don’t know what the future holds. Take a job that will feed you first before finding a job that will feed your heart. 3. Sometimes passion follows hard work Most of the time you would hear people say that you’ll work even harder if your work is also your passion. In some nature, yes, it is true. But there are also cases where passion follows hard work and not the other way around. You see, once a person realizes that they are good at something that they do, they’re becoming more passionate about that certain thing, up until they realize that “hey, I like doing this thing”. Though in reality, to be able to really be good at something is actually quite hard. You’ll go through periods of feeling giving up. Points where you will feel like not working anymore. And that’s okay. Working hard is boring. Plus, it’s also impossible for someone to not get bored for doing something over and over again. But keep in mind that once you get really good at something, you’ll see the impact you’re having, the value you’re creating, and feel that deep sense of accomplishment. And that will then be your passion. 4. Find an Adviser Mentors are good for feedback loops and for leveraging your experience, which can certainly accelerate your growth. And as a newbie, you would probably be needing someone that can help you adapt to the new environment that awaits you. Therefore, finding someone that you can ask for advice is quite essential to further your understanding. Finding a mentor is the closest thing to a “shortcut” to success. 5. Keep learning Try not to remain at one location for too long. Diversify your work history while you’re still young. You got a lot of time to play with your choices. Take classes, or take opportunities that your mentors or your workplace offers you to learn. Also, you don’t really have to dig deep into them. Just a little exposure to a new skill will give you a better perspective on things that you may want to pursue in the future, and may eventually be your own personal brand. For in this ever-changing field, it is vital to have the mindset of always being eager to learn and grow no matter the place in one’s career. 6. Take a risk Being in your 20’s, you actually don’t have anything to be afraid of. Dear, you don’t have anything to lose. Now is the perfect time to take that leap of faith and risk. I say, go for it. If it scares you, then you MUST go for it. You might not get this chance ever again. 7. Screw up You heard it right. Yes, screw up. Make mistakes. Make dumb decisions. Go with your craziest and careless options. Feel the sense of things not working out. Because at your age, to be honest, it’s not going to matter that much, you may want to actually have it this early than later. As you will probably feel more secure, relaxed, and at peace with the idea of failure, and lastly, you’ll get to learn from experience – the best teacher of all. So, go out there and don’t be afraid to mess up. You have your whole life ahead of you – you might even thank yourself later.
CATEGORY: | Interview |
Red flags for employers are signs that may be seen in an interviewee or candidate. They could be body language, mannerisms, behavior or the resume. Identifying red flags can help you sort out who will get the job offer and who will be rejected. Showing up late in the interview Being late is not a good sign of a serious candidate unless there are legitimate reasons or such candidates maintained his/her composure, honesty, and professionalism. Showing up after 30 minutes or an hour means he/she is not prepared or not eager enough to get the job. On the other hand, some reasons are acceptable, such as: An interviewee called ahead of time (1 day or an hour before a schedule) that he/she won’t make it or will be late because of emergency reasons. The late interviewee took responsibility for being late. Reasons for tardiness that could range from silly excuses (a donkey jaywalked so there was traffic, or my brush went stuck) can be personal things but if such lateness is a chronic issue then that’s a red flag. Unexplained employment gaps Employment gaps are the periods where there is no formal employment history between the two corporate experiences. A three months employment is Ok as this is the period when a candidate is looking for a job. Here are some acceptable employment gaps: Freelancing with proof of work or portfolios - Further, probe the candidate why he/she will want to return to the corporate world Assisted the family members in building a business Assisted a parent or relative who is under assisted living Studied an additional course or skill to enhance a career The company went bankrupt or downsized These are the reasons why you shouldn’t ignore applicants with employment gaps. They may have soft skills (Emotional Intelligence). Their technical skills may or might not be affected by the gap They might study to further their skills. They might take a volunteer job to gain more experience. Employment gaps aren’t bad themselves but if the candidate outrightly lies, then that’s a red flag. Job Hopping When an interviewee shows you a resume with lots of short stints or constantly switching jobs within two years, that could be a red flag. Constantly changing jobs may mean job dissatisfaction, fights with coworkers or superiors, being fired, or some other behavioral problems. Frequent job changes raise a question if they would stay in your company for a long time. Badmouthing former employers/bosses An interviewee might tell about his/her former bosses’ bad temper, habits or micromanagement but legitimate or not, bringing their old grudge can be a sign of past grudge, ethical issues, behavioral issues and emotional intelligence issues on the part of the candidate. You would want people who will help you solve a problem and not a complainer. Further badmouthing means: A lack of emotional maturity Unprofessionalism Negative vibe He/she may also do the same when the resignation time comes. Showing poor body language Body language is a non-verbal communication that can reveal the true emotions and feelings. It comprises gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, gaze and posture. What a candidate is telling could be incongruent to what his/her body language. An applicant can detail all the sales figures that (I raised the two consecutive months sales to 5%) but his/her eyes looking downward. You may have conducted a panel interview and upon asking two of the interviewees (Mr.A & Miss B), with the question, “Why are you confident?”, Mr. A answers with his voice trembling and hands shaking. Miss. B responds with crossed arms. Such poor body language can raise questions about their confidence or manners. Some negative body languages and meanings: Category Body Language Meaning Posture Crossing arms Plain bored defensive and closed off Slouching Low-self confidence, bored and lack of interest Invading personal space No respect for social boundaries Checking a phone, watch or clock Lack of interest and bored Nervous fidgeting and voice trembling Anxiety and lack of confidence Movements Tapping fingers Bored or distressed Touching hair, twirling a ring Nervous lacks self-confidence Close talking Invasion of personal space Facial expressions Staring Can be intimidating, lack of manners Maintaining eye contact but suddenly shifts gaze and blink rapidly Might mean hiding something or being in stress Looking downwards Lack of confidence or hiding a truth Voice Tone Trembling Anxiety and lacks confidence Some positive body language and meanings: Category Body Language Meaning Posture and Head expressions Sitting straight Confidence, readiness Leaning Interest Nodding Attentiveness Movements Offers a firm handshake Shows confidence and readiness for the interview Using hand gestures Shows confidence Facial Expressions Maintaining eye contact in a triangular fashion (eyes, nose, mouth). Appropriate eye contact instead of the intimidating stare Voice Speaking slowly Maintains composure and confidence The bottom line So there you have it. The five red flags for you to watch out if you are a hiring manager or an interviewer. Such red flags or signs can help you sort out if an interviewee would fit your company culture and team. They’ll also aid to streamline your hiring process.

- Career Development (33)
- Career Hacks (28)
- Interview (5)
- Work Life Balance (13)
- Illegal Recruitment (1)
- Overseas Work (3)