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August 08, 2020
CATEGORY: Career Hacks

Facts can refer to current and past events, things, objects that are proved or known to be true. Here we discuss some of the facts about the workplace that involve productivity, statistics, work language, environment and working practices. Multitasking can diminish your productivity. A lack of sleep, high caffeine intake and lack of exercise can contribute to the failure of multitasking. Working doesn’t guarantee an escape from poverty. More than 40% of workers don’t earn enough to get out of the poverty situation. Employees who have some sort of control over their work are happier and healthier while working. Photo by wallpaperflare A workplace with live plants can help in increasing productivity. Plants make the workplace more inviting. Plants serve as natural air conditioners that increase the oxygen level in the air. Drinking a moderate amount of alcohol can boost creativity. The key term here is moderate alcohol. Office workers who are near windows have a lower rate of absenteeism. Drinking enough water can increase up to 14% of productivity. Unhealthy food and lack of exercise can decrease productivity by 60%. Image by Pexels An organized desk can improve productivity. The term “boss” originated from the Dutch word “baas” which means master. Manual sewer cleaner is ranked as the world’s worst job. Procrastinating a work or project can increase efficiency and focus. This means redoing the work later so that you can have a fresh eye and mind. Sources: France, Netherlands, Japan, Philippines, South Korea Globally, the working hours range from 40 to 44 hours every week. Although, there are some countries that don’t follow these working hours. In France, it’s 35 hours per week. The Netherlands has 39, Philippines - 43.2 and Japan - 50. The Netherlands has the shortest workweek - about 29 hours per week. Fun working environments can reduce employee turnover and burnouts. Humour has been proven to benefit the mind and the body. The term “work” came from the Proto-Indo-European “werg” that means to do. Working 40 hours each week from the age of 20 to 65 is equivalent to 90,000 of working hours in your lifetime. Some worry that joking around while working can be distracting. On the other hand, studies show that encouraging workplace humour can help people complete their task or increase their productivity. According to this study, 61% of employees become more productive when they have relaxed dress codes.  The term “employ” comes from the Latin word “implicare” which means to associate, involve or enfold. People who work at night shifts are more prone to the following health and psychological  problems:  Photo by Pxfuel Accidents Memory issues High blood pressure Type 2 diabetes Low sex drive Irritability 24% of commuters who get stuck in traffic told that they are thinking about “deep thoughts”. According to this article, workers are willing to leave their jobs if they aren’t praised enough for their work.  Millennials, adults aged from 22 to 38 years, will make 35% of the global workforce.  Bonding in the work team can increase oxytocin - a chemical released during orgasm. Conflicts are necessary for the working teaching and learning opportunity at the workplace. It teaches people how to behave and forgive in order to become a good person. Photo by Miguelangel Miquelena The efficacy of music to a worker depends on the many factors. In other words, there are no “one-size fits for all”.  Working for more than 40 hours a week can decrease your productivity. Working adults who get 7.5 up to 9 sleeping hours of night sleep are more productive by 20%.

August 07, 2020
CATEGORY: Career Hacks

Deciding what course to take in college is one of the critical periods of one’s career. Herein you’ll need personal reckoning. The course you choose can ultimately affect your long-term career prospects. The importance of career preparedness can’t be ignored because of high perceived examples of new graduates who aren’t prepared in the Job world. According to a Strada-Gallup survey, a third of students out of 32,000 believe that they have strong knowledge and skills to survive in the job market. Knowing what is the best course to choose will save you tons of time and money. Research the industry Researching the industry means finding facts, lists and statistics about the specific job sector. This task can help you find your niche when you select the course. You can also ask a resource person or an expert in their field. For example, an education industry makes up the following jobs: Academic writer Librarian Online English teacher Professor Teacher Teacher aide Tutor The Information technology industry has these specific jobs: Back-end web developer Front-end web developer Database Administrator Network administrator Content Writer Graphic designer SEO Specialist Technical writer Video editor Research the job market Researching the job market can help you decide whether to switch college courses or stick with it. Should I continue accountancy or shift to nursing? Job markets can be affected by these factors: Technology advances Certain jobs that are menial can be easily automated by programs and robots. An example is a cashier who could be replaced by automated payment gates connected to a smartphone. In countries with higher technological penetration - that could be a reality in the near future. An increase in the use of robots in factories could send workers into the jobless zone and advances in accounting software may modify the daily tasks of auditors and bookkeepers. Economic factors that affect employment Job growth depends on the temporary projects available and the economic performance of a city, region, province and country. For example, a developed tourist site (beaches, waterfall, mountainous treks) will increase tourist arrivals and so too the number of restaurants, hotels, and handicraft production. A surge in tourists arrivals will also positively affect the number of airline and vehicle operations. On the other hand, a failing economy by changing demand for products and services can make it harder for companies to retain employees. Take note that job markets change and what is true for the present time may not be true in the future. Take personality tests Personality test refers to the method that assesses human personality. Such tests may differ in length and type of questions. Using tests may help you find your dislike, likes, passion and personality type.  How personality tests can help you choose a career Personality tests can help you narrow down your choices on a career path or job that is compatible with your personality, interests, values and skills. Keep in mind that some of these tests aren’t scientifically validated.  Here are some free personality tests online such as: The most well-known personality test is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and covers these four categories: Extroversion and introversion Judging and perceiving Sense and intuition Thinking and feeling Build a career capital instead of following your passion You might have already asked your teacher, a friend, parent, sibling or a mentor, and they may all have told you “follow your passion”. Sounds like ultimate advice, but the problem with this mantra is that it assumes that your passion and interests are fixed instead of changing or fluid. Here are the reasons not to follow your passion but instead develop it and build a career capital.  Following your passion will likely make you give up soon once you hit a consistent and hard obstacle.  Hobbies and passions don’t always translate to successful careers It ignores the job market. It’s like putting all eggs in one basket. Develop your career capital by: Identify your values or beliefs Identify market needs Consistently improve your skills  Deliberately practice Pursue a craftsman mindset (a combo of learning and consistent hard work) Persist through hard times Re-evaluate your progress Invest in another time and energy Developing your passion by identifying strengths and weaknesses Unlike the common perception that strengths are something that you’re good at, an accurate definition of strength is something which makes you feel strong.  You can be good at one skill but at the same time, you don’t like doing it. A strength energizes you and a weakness weakens your feelings. Here’s how to find your strength and weaknesses Try a free test online or from your school - and Use a professional test from career assessment centres in your locality. Find your weakness by finding your hard vs soft skills. Hard refers to technical skills such as programming, auto repair, cooking, etc. Soft skills pertain to emotional intelligence such as negotiation and anger management. Once you find your weaknesses on each of these types of skills, you can work on them to enhance hard and soft skills. Find tasks that let you forget your sense of time. Weigh the pros and cons of each course/job Each course or job could have pros and cons depending on its demand and availability in nearby schools. A specific course such as civil engineering and political science has this profile:     Civil Engineering    Pros Good pay More job opportunities when there are infrastructure projects (Middle East).    Cons Possible hazards at the construction site Deployment to remote sites Risks of liability and pressure Long working hours           Doctor of Medicine      Pros High Salary (depends on the hospital or company) Prestigious career (along with lawyers, doctors are among the jobs that are highly respected) Job security    Cons Can be stressful (being in the operating room) Exposure to biohazards Risks of lawsuits or loss of license due to medical malpractice Stress due to loss of patients under your care Long time to finish (8 years) Expensive education (most doctors came from affluent families although there are individuals who become physicians through scholarships)       Philosophy    Pros Improves your logical thinking Improves your problem solving Prepares you for a teaching career Prepares you for graduate school or another post-graduate course/career such as law, a catholic priest    Cons It may have few job opportunities so you may end up working underemployed or pursuing another course.   Ask a mentor or veteran A mentor or veteran refers to a person who is already in such a profession. So if you’re thinking of enrolling in a nursing course, you could ask for advice from nurses who are already working in clinics and hospitals. If you’re into graphic design or coding, you may set up some time with an experienced web developer or graphic designer to see how they are doing their job. To get most the advantage of a mentor’s advice, follow these: Set up a regular meeting Watch how your mentor is doing Keep your relationship and contact open Try to be like them but not exactly identical The pros of having a mentor are: You’ll get good advice from a professional. You’ll know the job trends. You may get a job right after graduation if that mentor decides or is willing to help you. You’ll get a second opinion. You’ll grow your network.

July 11, 2020
CATEGORY: Work Life Balance

Mental health refers to the psychological and emotional side of a person. It’s called an absence of mental illness. A sound mind is important for your social relationship and the way you feel, act and think. It drives how you handle stress, makes choices, finishes your work’s tasks. Most of all you’re acquainted with how to eat the right foods and all sorts of tangible things. But there are things that can affect your mental health negatively. Here are ways to reduce your exposure to them. Why mental health? It helps you to cope with stress Work efficiently Discover your hidden potential Find a purpose in life Build good relationships Improve physical health Connect with Your Family Your family - parents, siblings, children - are always there during the time of loneliness and stressful situations. Your parents will always lend you a helping hand no matter what happens. Keeping in touch with your family, seeing them through video call or in-person or hearing their voices can help you reduce boredom and loneliness. Do Hobbies  Doing hobbies could be creative activities that can boost your creativity, habits and fight boredom. Indoor hobbies: Candle making Cooking Painting via tablet or the physical canvas Making art by arranging beans, seeds and grains. Watching online videos Learning new things Doing cross stitch Practising digital painting through tablet Gardening Listen to podcast Playing board games: Chess, Game of the Generals, Snakes and Ladders, etc. Eat Healthy Foods You can never be mentally sound without eating healthy food. The best foods are those that are closer to nature. Such foods should be rich in vitamins and minerals and less in preservatives.  Healthy foods include leafy greens, fruits, nuts and seeds.  Specific foods for brain health include avocado, turmeric and oily fishes (sardines and tuna).  Some foods are considered bad for the brain Foods high in trans-fat Sugary drinks such as soft drinks with High-Fructose Syrup Alcohol Highly-processed foods Refined carbohydrates such as white flour, highly processed grains and sugar. Commercial muffins Cured meats  Processed fruit juice Donuts You can include healthy foods in your breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner.   Get the Right Exercise You have probably noticed that staying in your house for the whole day or not having a sweat can make you feel fatigued or lethargic. Without daily exercise, your muscles and joints grow weaker; your body accumulates fat as not all calories are burnt. Too much exercise is also not good for your body and mental health. Indoor exercises: Curl-up Jump rope Dancing Lunges Cleaning Push-ups Jumping jacks Following youtube exercises Outdoor exercises: Saunter (30 mins to burn calories) Cycling Jogging Suspension training Get the Right Sleep Your body needs the right amount of sleep to repair damaged cells and tissues from daily errands and workout. Undersleeping or depriving yourself with sleep can lead to weight gain, headaches, erratic mood and possible type 2 diabetes. Oversleeping can result in high risks of obesity, heart disease, headache and impaired infertility. How much you sleep depends on your age.     Babies (0 to 2 months old)     -     12 - 18 hours     Infants (3 to 11 months old)   -     14 - 15 hours     Children (3 to 5 years)          -     11 to 14 hours per day     Children (6 to 12 years)        -     9 to 12 hours per day     Teens (13 to 18 years)          -        8 to 10 hours per day     Adults (18 years above)        -     7 to 8 hours per day Limit News Exposure News is a great source of knowledge - from science to current affairs. But what if most of what you see in news app or TV are all about tragedies - explosions, shootings and the ongoing COVID    -19 pandemic?  According to the American Psychological Association, constant watching of negative news may be bad for your health. Similarly, being bombarded by upsetting news and natural disasters may increase the loop of distress and personal worries. How to minimize exposure to negativities Move news and social media apps off the home screen. Set a timer to limit your time spent on news and apps. Read and watch uplifting news such as cute pets, humour and uplifting stories. A landlord offers his/her apartment for free for the entire duration of COVID-19 lockdown. Millionaires spend part of their income to open a soup kitchen for the displaced workers. Pet cat/dog rescues his/her owner from a heart attack. Actors and actresses sent truckloads of rice, coffee, noodles and canned goods to suffering jeepney drivers. A man who is broke and subsisting on grated coconut got relief goods and employment from PESO. Man feeds dogs and cats. Avoid Smoking While it seems smoking is relaxing, research shows that smoking can increase anxiety, depression and addiction. Smoking is an addictive habit that can lead to heart disease, cancers, regular flu, and shortness of breath that can impact your concentration and eventually your mental health. Limit or Avoid Drinking Alcohol Drinks Alcohol is known to slow down brain response and affect nerve signals in the brain. According to this resource, extreme drinking can lead to psychosis, delusions and hallucinations - mental conditions that can impact your mental health.  Play Video Games Video games, whether it’s a strategy, shooting or puzzle, can make you forget the passage of time and fight boredom. Various articles described the benefits of playing video games. One is from the that published a 13-page study. listed 10 reasons why video games are good for you. Anything in excess is harmful and this is true in video gaming. Another benefit is you can enhance your skills in problem-solving. Games such as puzzles, arcade, RPG, strategy and first-person shooter games use puzzles as a test for the player before he/she progresses into another stage.  Spend Time with Pets Dogs, cats, parrots and goldfishes are some of the popular pets in the Philippines. Going home with your cat or dog waiting at your door can be stress relieving. Look at numerous Youtube videos when feline friends wake up their human friends, a raven mimics a human voice and a dog acts like a human. Another idea is to buy a fishbowl aquarium, goldfish and gourami. Add filtered water, aquatic plants, sand and corals. Install a water filter to prevent dirt buildup. You can keep this on the sturdy table. Owning a pet is beneficial to your health, according to a study made at SUNY Buffalo. Owning pets can improve heart health. Aside from that, your pet can be your lifesaver during times of solitary life

July 10, 2020
CATEGORY: Career Hacks

The economy of employment is like a wave as seen in the line graph - sometimes at the crest (the mountain) and sometimes at trough (the valley). If you predict lay-offs from a distant future it’s an unforeseen event that makes one of those wave patterns. On the other side, it’s possible to know some signs of lay-offs before they happen. In this article, we discuss how to prepare for unforeseen events especially on layoffs and unemployment. What causes layoffs? Buyout ​Changing policies and standards Cost-cutting due to economic downturn Lack of funds Merger Project ends Relocation Staff redundancy Technological progress Industry decline Natural disaster These hacks are also applicable in the following situations: Resignation Pandemic (COVID-19) Medical problems Bankruptcy Why prepare To avoid economic hardships - Just imagine if you’re suddenly out of work because of lay-offs and bankruptcy, then you’re broke.  To prepare for medical problems - You’ll never know if you suddenly get sick or face medical emergencies from your family or relatives. To easily find a new job - Resigning and finding a new job will be easy if you have buffer funds to rely on and cover bills and daily experiences while searching for a new job. To easily find a new career - Changing careers will be easier if you have resources to face things that you can and can’t control. Hacks to Prepare for Unforeseen Events Keep focused on your job Some people who knew their company was planning for lay-offs may act as loafers. Dabbling in the world of procrastination can make you an easy target of employers who are thinking of reducing their workforce due to reduced revenue or hard-hit economy. Your employer might consider jettisoning staff so stay engaged from the first day you have been hired until you leave your company. Another good outcome of working zealously is you can make your employer as one of the best career networks. Pad your savings and buffer funds  Whether it’s a piggy bank full of bills and coins or several accounts, padding your savings can help you cope with the sudden and unexpected events. Savings can be your buffer funds or in other words - the shock absorber that can help you withstand the negative economic effects of the lack of stable income. Save money that is enough to cover expenses such as utility bills, rent, transportation and daily costs while finding a new job.  Take note that it’s more effective to save as soon as possible. The moment you get hired, immediately open a bank account and dedicate it as your savings account which means no - unnecessary spending. Savings and investment type Description Bank You can open and maintain several accounts in local and international banks. Cooperative A cooperative can lend you enough money to cover your unemployment days. Insurance Lets you prepare for the future. Available in various packages. Piggybank Piggy banks can be of any shape and size. It happens that piggy banks are the most popular.  Vault A more secure physical storage Lower your spending Depending on your spending habits, you can plan skinny spending without living as a total broke. In fact, spending little and intelligent spending can help you reinforce frugal living habits and save for the hard times.  Reducing your expenses also means finding a free alternative for the things you need such as using the internet to watch news or movies instead of subscribing to a monthly movie show. To save more is to identify your wants versus needs. Here are the examples: Needs Wants Apparels: Used clothing, shoes and handbags Shelter: Quality housing with size enough for the occupants Water: Clean tap water Food: Home-made meals made with healthy, inexpensive or backyard grown ingredients. Electricity: Using energy-efficient appliances Communication: Internet for Home-based job Mobile: Inexpensive smartphone Entertainment: News and streaming from the internet Exercise: Daily walking and weight lifting. Apparels: Expensive and branded clothing, shoes and handbags.  Shelter: Large house for 2 occupants  Water: Mineral water  Food: Daily meal at restaurants and fast food  Electricity: Keeping two appliances open even not absolutely needed  Communication: Ultra-fast internet just for entertainment  Mobile; Expensive smartphone  Entertainment: Monthly subscription for movie shows.  Exercise: Gym membership See it on the bright side  In layoff situations, you can picture it on the bright side by seeing the positive effects over the negative ones. There’s a saying that a negative event such as job loss is a blessing in disguise. Maybe such lay off is your chance to change your economic situation or career. Looking in the bright side can help you reduce anxiety and depression brought by negative unforeseen events. It’s focusing on things you can control and not on uncontrollable situations.   Research  Research is like doing homework. You take notes and use the internet to find articles and websites offering tips and info. Or, you can review reading materials shared by your company. In lay-offs, you can research the following: Severance benefits Employee handbook ​Labour rights Learn another skill  Relying on one skill is a set up for failure when that skill which relies on the industry suddenly hit by the economic crisis. For example, during the pandemic - COVID-19, if your skill is using software for tourist booking, you could end up unemployed since most or all tourist booking services have been affected or hit by the pandemic. It’s best to learn an extra skill if you’re still employed as this can prepare you for the hard times. Learning an extra skill comes in two ways: Learning a new skill - Acquiring a new skill to add to an existing skillset Enhancing existing skills - Polishing an existing skill through a training By upskilling, you can make your skill more marketable in the event you lose your job. You could study offline and online. More online schools are now offering digital certificates for printing or embedding in your resume. Here is the resource for the online study: List for MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses)   Repurpose your skills Got transferable skills? You can use them to find work in industries that aren’t in your industry.  Transferable skills are adaptable as they are sought across different industries such as from IT to online delivery or IT to a law office. Examples are: Writing skills Event management Multilingualism Social media management Leadership Public speaking Network If you have many connections, you can ask them for job vacancies or referrals. Meet new people, maintain contact and good relationships. The following could be your networks: Alumni networks Business organizations Friends Neighbours Volunteer organizations Work colleagues Plan a vacation You can use your free time to visit nature parks, beaches and amusement centres to relax and relieve stress. Take note that this is only okay if you have enough savings otherwise you could take a short vacation or proceed immediately to job hunting.   Update and prepare your resume and job hunting website. Any job experiences, training and new skills can be included as updates in your resume. In this way, you can easily upload them on job boards or hunting websites. Here are the things you should update in the resume: Objective or summary Skills set Education Interests or hobbies Certifications Personal info Training Portfolio links (for web developers, graphic artist, writers, SEO specialist) Website links to digitised diplomas, transcript of records, and certificates

June 27, 2020
CATEGORY: Career Development

Jobs, the foundation, where we earn our daily living to pay bills, buy things and build our career could be threatened by robots and AIs. Jobs can be threatened because of economic downfall. One thing that can threaten jobs is the constant progress in technology. Several articles on the internet list jobs that could be replaced, impacted or transformed by robots, Artificial Intelligence and technology. Will robots arrive to knock at your door and drop off their resumes?  Will AI replace some of the jobs? Source: The jobs below have been mentioned across the internet as those with higher chances of automation. Such automation could happen in countries with higher technological advancement but not any time soon in countries with low AI and technology penetration. There is conflicting info cited in some internet articles whether these jobs can be replaced or not by the machines.  It’s hard to predict the future but AI and technology could replace jobs that are simple or repeatable that don’t need human oversight and creativity.  Jobs that are repetitive, easy and don't need human interaction could be replaced by robots. Some jobs can be impacted by AI but they can’t be replaced by robots. Rather, they will be transformed, which means it can result to new jobs.   BURGER FLIPPERS Burger flippers are those people who work in shops and restaurants. They take frozen burger patties or sausages, grease the grill, and flip the meat to make sure they aren't’ burnt on each side. The pros of this job - it’s easy to do. The cons - it’s low paid and you’ll end up greased and sweated after day’s work. Caliburger, a California burger chain, used flippy - costs $60,000 -  $100,000 robot that can flip numerous burgers in a minute. Using a computer, the human programs the robot according to the seconds (80s, 71s). Jerrson Graham from USA today commented that the burger tastes like human flipped burgers, although it’s a little bit salty.  If the inventors perfect the robot, it could replace human flippers but this would not happen anytime soon as the machine is too expensive and not every business can afford it.   CASHIERS Cashiers work in pharmacies, grocery stores, markets, toll gates and paid parking lots. They scan barcodes, receive payments, enter the correct price, place goods onto bags, keep cash and report such amounts to the treasury.  Tech advances in computers, software and artificial intelligence lead to partial automation in some places. One example is the cashier-less store of Amazon Go that uses hundreds of sensors and cameras on every shelf. Customers will tap their smartphone on the gate, enter the store, and pick up goods from the shelves. The shoppers will use RFID tags in each good to check out. On the other hand, in countries where there is less AI and technology penetration, automating cashier jobs is unlikely in the near future.   ACCOUNTANTS AND BOOKKEEPING CLERK Different opinions say about the plight of accountants and bookkeepers in the near future. An article from Hubspot lists bookkeepers as among the jobs where robots can take over. Likewise, cited accountants as one of those replaceable by AI. On the other hand, reports that AI will not replace accountants but instead transform into other jobs for humans because still, humans are the ultimate decision and oversight maker.  While we aren’t sure about the future, we can see in the trend that software such as Enterprise Resource Planning programs, Quickbooks, Freshbooks can pull transactions from credit and bank accounts. ERP programs can already automate 50% of accounting tasks such as double entry. Online software such as Hubdoc and Shoeboxed can scan documents, convert them into digital format and records. Will AI take jobs from Accountants and Bookkeepers? They could be transformed into a foreseeable future and perhaps have their tasks replaced by software. These two jobs can assume another role - data managers and advisors who make decisions and oversight.    BANK TELLERS Bank tellers are in the hot list of jobs replaceable by robots. There’s already an ATM capable of receiving cash deposits - although it’s only among the jobs of bank tellers. Some articles reported a bank staffed by robots. One example is the China Construction Bank that used assorted ATMs and machines that offer foreign exchange, account opening, deposits and wealth management.  Another is an article about the prediction from Wells Fargo (A US Bank and Financial Service company) which cited that robots could snatch 200,000 jobs from humans in the next 10 years. Based on these articles, those banking jobs with menial and repetitive jobs could be replaced or at least affected by technology. Again, it’s hard to predict whether androids would come knocking before a bank employee’s doorstep. Like accountants, such technology affecting bank teller jobs could take decades or more in countries or places with low technology penetration.   DRIVERS A self-driving car is able to self-drive without a human behind its steering wheel. Google has already started its autonomous car in US roads and another in the UK. Alphabet Inc. (Google’s parent company) owns Waymo, a subsidiary, responsible for developing self-driving technology. You can notice a self-driving car through the variety of sensors embedded inside and outside. Google uses sensors to navigate roads, identify and avoid obstacles. The sensors include LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), gyroscope, GPS, altimeter, tachometer, ultrasonic sensor and radar. However, this self-driving technology is far from perfect as it has only limitations such as the inability to pothole detection, detours, rerouted roads, inclement weather, unmapped stoplights, and human or police officer signals. Now, back to the issue if tech could replace drivers. The answer is that it won’t replace drivers anytime soon in the near future. Even if somehow programmers and developers overcome obstacles, the computer controlling the car has to deal with making the best decision out of multiple bad choices.   MOVIE STARS  Star Wars, one of the most iconic and cultural movies, used a CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) to replace the late Carrie Fisher. The digital Princess Leia looked similar to the actress as the movie used another CGI to superimpose the computer-generated face over other actresses' faces before Fisher passed away. Fisher’s family already approved a CGI Princess Leia for another Star Wars movie. For movies completely made with 3D animation, it’s already happening when full digital characters act and talk like humans.  On the other hand, there’s an argument that AI/robots won't replace movie stars because of “emotion”. Robots have no emotions and such human quality is always found in scenes. Possible scenarios that could happen in the near future include: 3D movies will give rise to video editor and animator jobs. AI, CGI and robots will perhaps transform or augment movie or voice acting jobs. FACTORY WORKERS Factory workers include packers, machinists, welders, CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine operators, quality inspectors, and safety specialists. They work in factories of metal sheets, cars, car parts, appliances and plastics.  According to a BBC report, robots could replace up to 20 million factory jobs by 2030. Oxford Economics (a quantitative analysis and global forecasting firm)  said that jobs that are repetitive, menial or low skilled are at risk of being replaced by automation. On the other hand, jobs that need creativity, compassion, and social intelligence won’t be replaced by robots.    Will Robots and AI ultimately take away jobs from Humans? It’s hard to come up with an accurate conclusion as some of the estimates or predictions may or might be exaggerated. We can conclude that: It’s plausible that jobs can be affected or transformed by technology. Automation and robotics could create other job opportunities such as programming, and robotic jobs. Repetitive, menial or low skilled jobs could be replaced by AI and robots. Some jobs prone to tech advancements will be affected in places where there are high technological penetration (the United States, Japan, Germany, Norway, Finland, France).   What to do when faced with technological advances? Learn creative and higher skills - These skills involve the need for creativity, social interaction, and emotion - things that can’t be automated by zeros and ones and even advanced AIs or robots. Examples of high-skilled jobs are dieticians, writers, psychologists, health social workers, . Learn two or more skills - If your career is solely focused on jobs that could be replaced by automation (cashier, factory worker), then you may lose your job to technological advances in the near or far future. You can learn side skills that are not related or related to your present job.

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