About the Company
SUBICCON was established in 1992 when a group of young people in Subic and Olongapo formed the Subic Concrete Corporation or SUBCON Corporation in time with the US-base pull-out.
The business plan was inspired by the conversion of the former US military naval and airbase into government industrial and economic zones. The bases pull-out also coincided with the eruption of the Mt. Pinatubo. The group joined the band of volunteers to rehabilitate the former US base in Subic, sharing their own resources and manpower to restore buildings and facilities.
After a year of volunteerism, the group was rewarded with a contract when the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) and FedEx forged a deal for an air cargo service hub in Subic to be the latter’s base in the Asia Pacific region.
Included in the contract were the restoration and upgrading of the Subic International Airport runways that needed paving of 100,000 cu.m. of PCCP (ready mix Portland concrete) and 30,000 MT of bituminous concrete. HANJIN Ltd., the main contractor, engaged the services of SUBCON Corp. and paid P15 million for the contract.
While SUBCON was paving the last ton of bituminous concrete at the airport, simultaneously, a contract was signed in 1994 with Subic Bay Development and Management Corp. (SBDMC). The P44 million-contract covered roadways of the Subic Bay Industrial Park Phase 1 that was completed in 1995.
Today, carrying its new name SUBICCON after being registered with SEC in August 2012, the company attained a sustainable growth and a strong partnership with the national government, advocating economic development through partnerships and foreign investments.
SUBICCON is proud of its credible and efficient track record, assuring our clientele of our commitment to excellence in delivering our services and products!
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