
Why It Is Important to Treat Yourself After a Job Well Done
October 17, 2019
CATEGORY : Work Life Balance

To start things off, we know that every right-minded person prioritizes their needs over what they actually want, and it is critical for those who practice the right responsibility, budgeting, and planning. However, even though it is fair to put the "needs" at the top of your list, the "wants" should not be ignored. For in our life, it is also a "need" to satisfy our "wants" every once in a while, as we can also enjoy the fruits of our own labor.

You can’t just work, work, work, and work even more, and besides working hard and no play is boring or will eventually get boring. When all you have in life is work and no play, well, there will come a time that you will feel this enormous hole that whispers, telling you that something is off.  And eventually, your soul will crave for plays and you will sabotage the hard work that you yourself had been protecting and carefully preserving for quite a long time now.

Also, if you go with your life living inside the world of your works, without taking a break or rewarding yourself, you may and will suffer burnout. Resulting in you quickly losing motivation and will let you feel out of balance.

Plus, it is actually scientifically proven that treating oneself helps the brain to release a chemical coined “dopamine”, which makes a person feel ecstatic, good, and happy. And as a result, it will head start a momentum of motivation and drive to do tasks even more creatively and efficiently, as doing these tasks now makes you feel somehow good about yourself.

As what other people would always say "always love yourself first", and yeah, in a sense they are right. For we only have oneself in this world and it is a MUST to be there for yourself because no one else will ever be.

So go for that spa massage, take that 20 minutes to watch Netflix or any show that you want to watch, sit back and play your favorite game, buy those shoes, buy that dress you have been lusting after, eat junk foods, and just enjoy life while you are young and you can.  

Do it for yourself. You’ve earned it! And don’t even think twice!

But at the same time, be wise when you reward yourself. While it is important to do such an act of recognizing one's effort or achievement, not all rewards are the right rewards; hence you must go for the right and just treats to further create a positive reinforcement upon your well-being. Because in reality, more often or not, we always forget that we are much more capable than we give ourselves credit for.

We are all working hard day by day, week by week, month by month and we have to be responsible for our emotional and spiritual selves as well as our finances. Getting enough rest added by activities of relaxation is among the number of many ways to feedback into your well-being. Because holding in that stress will take a toll on your mental, emotional and physical health in such time, and it is also your job and it is also your responsibility to reward yourself with a job well done. And of course, lastly, it is your job to reward yourself with the respect you deserve.

And while most of us focus on appreciating others or getting appreciation from others, we often neglect and remember to appreciate our own selves. So it is right and just to reward ourselves as often as we can, as it will leverage our performance in work, our mood and attitude on dealing with things and build new good habits that will further help us reach the goals we desire to achieve. And I think that is why it is quite important for us to celebrate the job well done that all of us have put in.